Academics: During and after graduate school, Sean taught Cell Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, and related college/university courses. Sean teaches university courses in biology, psychology, and human development: Human Biology and Behavior, Biological Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Behavior Disorders, Microbiology. Future Technology of Medicine is next, incorporating interests in biotech and making it more accessible and affordable. Another focus of Sean's interest is in current and Future of biotech advances: Regenerative Medicine advances, and the biological and psychological impact on individuals and society. Sexuality/ Gender Studies: In 2013, Sean's interest expanded to studying the growing gender and sexual diversity (especially in youth), its history (especially the transgender bisexual / gay male), impact on individuals, and the psycho- and socio- biological influences. The project (book) is on the Biological Basis and Markers of Sexual and Gender Diversity. The most recent growing phenomenon 'GenderQueer' especially in youth is of special interest. Is this growing due to biological-environmental, and/or social influences? At the Santa Cruz Diversity Center, Senechal facilitates a GenderQueer support group.